
N&W in Ohio: Scioto Division 1890-1930

This soft-cover publication uses 176 black/white pages, 14 maps, 143 photographs and 121 N&W drawings and charts to tell the story of the 242 miles of main line operating between North Kenova and Columbus and Cincinnati. The N&W constructed about eight of those 242 miles and bought the rest. NWHS’s newest publication uses construction records, track charts, ICC Valuation records, newspaper articles and the Norfolk and Western Magazine to tell the why, how, who, what and when of the Ohio portion of this N&W Division. The book details what parts of the Scioto Division the N&W built and which parts were acquired from other railroads between 1890 and 1901. One entire chapter devoted to the building of the East Portsmouth and Joyce Avenue Yards.

Softcover, perfect bound, 176 pages

by Alex Schust

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N&W in Ohio: Scioto Division 1890-1930 SKU# 139.20 $34.95