Thursday, June 12 through Sunday June 15, 2025
Location: Highlander Hotel, Radford Va.
The N&WHS and your convention chairman/ society president
would like to invite you to the 2025 N&WHS convention in Radford, Va.
The convention will be at the Highlander Hotel, affiliated with Radford
University and is located at 600 Tyler Avenue, Radford, VA 24141
As with all conventions, please book early, long before June, to ensure the best rate and availability of rooms. The N&WHS room rate is $129 plus tax with free parking. Please contact the hotel directly at 540-513-3064.
Radford has a long history with the N&W, dating back to the Virginia & Tennesse days. Beginning as "Central (perhaps the first midway division point on predecessor systems)," it has served the railroad with a roundhouse, car shop and system Tie Treatment plant; it has also been a hub for the fabled Blacksburg and Potts Valley branches and the sprawling Radford Arsenal that evolved early in the World War II years. Nearby Walton Tower, where the Bristol Line diverted from the Norfolk/Columbus-Cincinnati main also contributed to the local flavor, as did the Vicker coal & water facility. The North Carolina Branch juncture was in nearby Pulaski. Today, the Radford Yard continues as a marshaling point for Norfolk Southern-served industries.
As we have the last couple of years, the focus will be on fellowship and getting together. We are in the process of organizing some interesting outings, which may charge as we get closer to the date. Buses continue to be too expensive for our group and car-pooling will continue to be the usual procedure.
Modeling Committee Chairman Jim Cochran asks everyone to bring their latest entries. So far, presenters include: Bruce Harper, Jim Nichols, Sam Phillips, Alex Schust, Ken Miller, Frank Scheer and Tim Hensley.
A tentative schedule - some events very much subject to change!!
Thursday, June 12
Morning: Registration begins outside the conference rooms at 9:00 a.m. and should be staffed through the afternoon and early evening; however, there may be a break or two for meals, so if no one is there, check back later.
Afternoon: The afternoon is open for you to railfan around Radford if arriving early.
Friday, June 13
Morning: 10:00 a.m. Overview of NS Radford Operations By local Trainmaster at former N&W Radford Station.
Afternoon: 1:00 p.m. Depart for Pulaski 1:40 p.m. Tour of Radcliff Memorial Transportation Museum and former N&W Station This little gem is one of the unsung tourism venues in Southwest Virginia. Hosted by Director April Martin, it features an overview of local history themes (heavy on N&W-served industry) and an O-guage model layout that has to be seen to be believed! N&WHS members Doug Andr'e, John Garner, and Grandle Meador lent significant expertise and elbow grease to get it restored to operating condition for our visit. Across the street, the Pulaski station, - a survivor of two fires, will be open for a walk through inspection.
Late Lunch 4:00 p.m. A late lunch at Draper Mercantile, which is one of the network vendors now marketing N&WHS Commissary items, their culinary experts are cooking up a fare from N&W dining car recipes. We hope to have an address from a venerable N&W sage to aid our digestion.

Evening: 7:00 p.m. Seminars Begin in the Conference Rooms.
9:00 p.m. Modeling Committee Meets
10:00 p.m. Virginian Interest Group Meeting
Saturday, June 14
9:00 a.m. Depart For Huckleberry Trail Ride/ Inspection New River Valley Amtrak Station Although many of our older members may no longer be able to physically endure it, we have arranged bicycle rentals along the former right-of-way of the Blacksburg Branch.
We'll stop by to see how Amtrak renovations at the former Christianburg station are coming along.
10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Archives open in Roanoke
2:00 p.m. Tour Radford Arsenal
7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Cocktail Hour & Banquet at the Highlander Hotel, speaker to be announced.
Sunday, June 15
9:00 a.m. Annual Membership Meeting
There are no other formal activities on this day - railfan the area on your way home!
In closing, we have attempted to schedule significant tours; as of this writing several are still pending. If you are heading home east, consider stopping at Hale's restaurant at Shawsville on Route 460. Hale's is one of our Commissary vendors and we've provided some display photos for their back room.