Society News - Unknown Unknown |
Headlights and Backup Lights / Part 1: Steam Locomotives - Thomas D. Dressler; Douglas A. Andre' |
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N&W Auxiliary Tender (Unknown) |
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Tender light cables (Unknown) |
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The half round switch in the upper right hand corner of the photo is the control used by the N&W. Note the resistor mounted atop the combination headlight/backup light control. The rectangular box just behind the overhead "Grapevine" throttle is a fuse box. Dom't miss the other conduits and junction boxes. (Tom Dressler Collection) |
Book Mini-Survey - Rick Stone |
The Tender - Mason Y. Cooper |
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Ex-Virginian tender rests at an abandoned coal mine east of Bud, WV. The road in the left background is Route 10. (Mason Cooper Photo) |
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This side view of the tender clearly shows the well preserved Virginian lettering (Mason Cooper Photo) |
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A closeup of the rear of the tender shows the ?02 roadnumber. The closer you look at the first digit, the more possibilities it seems to suggest. (Mason Cooper Photo) |
Current News - Robert G. Bowers; Mason Y. Cooper; William E. Griffin; Ken Borg |
Product Review / N&W 611 Serving Tray - Thomas D. Dressler |
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This photograph shows the front and reverse sides of the Bryan Station 611 tray. (Tom Dressler Collection) |
Drawing Index - Unknown Unknown |
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Drawing Index Sheets 1 and 2 (Unknown) |
Videptape Review / N&W + SOU +NS Diesels - Joe Kantz |
Modeler's Corner / Editor Commentary - Thomas D. Dressler |
Kit Review / Funaro & Camerlengo Virginian "Battleship" Gondola - James Nichols |
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This 3/4 view shows the massive size HO car that can be constructed with a little effort from the Funaro & Camerlengo kit (Jim Nichols photo) |
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The underside of the Funaro & Camerlengo gondola kit shows the amount of detailing possible. The trucks are an old pair of Athearn 6 wheel Buckeyes which are pertty close to those used on the prototype. (Jim Nichols photo) |
Product Review / HO Custom Decal Set fo NW Slug Units - Thomas D. Dressler |
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Decal Set (Unknown) |
Free Interchange - Michael Gresham |
Norfolk & Western Railway Standard Ballast Sections - N&W Railway |