Vol. 14, No. 2 March / April 1998  Issue Select 
Issue Details
Cover Title: The Shay!
Cover Subtitle: N&W's Stemwinding Sidewinder:
On the Cover: N&W only owned one standard gauge Shay, #56, pictured here in 1916. Unfortunately, like the Jawn Henry many years later, it just never worked out. But it's trials and tribulations, (and it's itinerary after N&W ownership) remain a fascinating piece of N&W history.
Articles In This Issue
Cover Story: N&W's Stemwinding Sidewinder / The saga of Shay #56 - Thomas D. Dressler
  Photo #56 at the Lima Locomotive Works in Lima, Ohio shortly before delivery to the N&W. Of interest are the road pilot centers and extra heavy duty frame. Not the universal joints and related parts stored on top of the tender. (Thomas D. Dressler Collection)
  Photo The Engineer's side of #56 shorly before being offered for sale in 1915. Note the rusted away running board just over the front cylinder. She was soon prepared for the long trip to Birmingham Locomotive & Car in Birmingham, Alabama in December of that year. (Thomas D. Dressler Collection)
  Drawing Shay #56 building drawing, Lima Locomotive works
  Sidebar A History of the Shay... and the builder who took the plunge
  Sidebar Westside's 1980 brass model of the Shay.. beautiful, but flawed.
  Photo The author's model of the unusual N&W engine. A new smoke stack, side-mounted boiler feedwater check valves and a single cylinder air compressor are a few of the items changed on the model. (Thomas D. Dressler Photo)
The Elkhorn Tunnel: 2 / An attempt at ventilation - Robert Harvey
  Photo In this N&W company photograph of 1917, we see Coaldale... the west end of Elkhorn Tunnel. The frame building on the left is the boilerhouse. The smokestack is a replacement for the original which was much shorter. The horseshoe-shape ventilation air manifold can be seen jutting out of the masonry tunnel facing. A gondola of either coal or cinders sits on the boilerhouse stub track. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
Norfolk & Western's Combines / The history and modeling of N&W's versatile passenger car - Bob Chapman
  Photo The original incarnation of the Class BPd combine. Later, some would be remodeled with streamlined roof, and in the mid-50's would contribute to the first downgrade of the Powhatan Arrow, replacing the crew-locker coach. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo The first combines on the N&W were made of wood, and featured open vestibules, typical of the era. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo Class BPf #1551 was one of eight combines received by the N&W in 1935. With a length of 84 feet, they were obviously intended for main line use. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo The interior of the baggage section of the BPf. At 37 feet, there was plenty of room for express business.  (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo The smoking lounge of the same car provided gentlemen a place to relax with a good cigar. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo Class BPg #356 was one of 20 combines originally used for commuter service on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Acquired by the N&W in 1934, the short length (64 feet) and truck placement gave them a "toy train" appearance. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo The end view of the BPg shows the distinctive "owl-eye" windows. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo The Interior of the former Pennsy car, circa 1934. Note the heating furnace near the door. (N&W Photo / VPI&SU collection)
  Photo The refurbished Class BPd. In a day when such things mattered, the streamlined roof was added to provide a more consistent match with lightweight, streamlined equipment. (N&W Photo)
  Photo The authors model of the Car. (Bob Chapman Photo)
Century Survivors / A look at the Class G N&W Consolidations - Gary Price
  Photo The crew takes a break as Class G #7 shows off her Virginian-Carolina attire at Damascus, VA around 1917. (Gary Price Collection)
  Photo Class G #11 sits silent in a park located in downtown Saltville, VA. Members attending our 1998 convention will be able to visit the classic locomotive. (Gary Price Photo)
  Photo Class G #6 was saved from the torch as well, and basks in the sunlight at the Roanoke Transportation Museum. (Gary Price Photo)
History of the South Side Railroad: 7, 1846-1870 / The Final Chapter - James Bisbee
Tales from the Front, First person memories by those who were there / 1: 30 inches of snow and surrounded by lumber! - Jimmy Lisle
Tales from the Front, First person memories by those who were there / 2: The day 600 turned ornery - James B. Scott
The Ride of a Lifetime / A father's gift to his son - Lawrence W. Crocker
Model Review: Forest Tower / AMB produces another winner - James F. Brewer
  Photo F Tower. Forest, VA (N&W Photo)
The Tennessean / A modeler's wish list - James Nichols
Current News / What's happening in today's railroading - Robert G. Bowers
Vol. 14, No. 2 March / April 1998  Issue Select